
Showing posts from August, 2020

Holistic Coaching Solutions


We All Need A Board Of Advisors

 This week I've had a lot of discussions with people about Mastermind Groups. All large corporations have a Board of Directors to be sure the company stays true to their mission, hit their numbers and fulfill their responsibility to stockholders. Small businesses (even sole-proprietorships) need them too. But usually, only those small businesses who accept private funding (from banks, angel investors, venture capitalists) have outsiders on their Board of Directors. A professional Board of Directors may not always create a happy, supportive, safe environment for business owners to turn to for problem solving, brainstorming, or even feedback.  On the other hand, we all need a sounding board, experts on our side, and a safe haven in which to ask for and receive help and advice. Every small business owner, CEO, or entrepreneur (in my opinion) must have a Board of Advisors. The easiest and fastest way to put one together is to join/create a Mastermind Group where each member gets and gi

Strategizing for Success

 When it comes to achieving your goals, there is nothing more important than your mindset. If you don't have the right mindset, then you are ultimately going to crumble. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can begin to train your mind to develop habits that most successful people have already begun to utilize long ago. In order to strategize for success, you have to begin to weigh every choice that you make against your goal. Will the choices that you make every day help you to become a healthier and more well-rounded version of yourself that will ultimately be capable of the success that you hope to achieve? Are the choices that you're making wise both financially and in terms of long-term success? Are you keeping your endgame in mind as you go through life and find yourself faced with choice after choice to make? Being a strategic thinker in this sense can be very difficult. All of us are emotional and we have devices that can sometimes lead us to feeling trapped by tem

How to Make the Dreaded To-Do List Work in Your Favor

 Planning can be a challenge for everybody, but especially those who are not born with, in a word, "appreciation" for organization and structure. If you find that you struggle with discipline and order, utilizing a to-do list may be exactly the step you need to take in order to get your life on track. So how does one begin utilizing a to-do list to help them to get on track and stay motivated to succeed?  Surely it isn't as simple as creating a checklist that you can reference. What actually works about creating this type of structure for yourself? And doesn't it only work if you are willing to allow it to work? The truth is that if you are not motivated enough, nothing is going to work for you. You have to take the steps necessary to overcome your hesitations and do whatever needs to be done in order to ensure that you are staying on task. A to-do list is a great starting point, but it isn't going to be the only thing that you do to be successful. Success falls o

How to Think Positively to Achieve Success

 A lot of cynical people believe that thinking positively is a crock. How is it possible that being obnoxiously optimistic is going to provide you with the tools that you need to become successful? No matter what you think it isn't going to change the world around you, right? While that may be true, thinking positively has been proven in studies to change your mind and body for the better and help you to recognize the opportunities around you.  Whether you want to believe that blind optimism is the key to success or not, there is little dispute that being a positive thinker enhances your quality of life and makes you more likely to seize the opportunities that are around you and stay motivated to follow those opportunities down a path to success. The first thing you need to do in order to begin to think positively is to really examine yourself and your negative thoughts. Be honest with yourself about where these negative thoughts creep up and begin to consume you. It is common for

Gaining the Confidence You Need to Succeed

 A lot of people don't realize just how important it is to have confidence before you ever begin to work on an important task. Achieving goals is often about what you're made of. If you don't believe in yourself and you lack the confidence that you need to get up after a setback, then it is likely that you are going to give up before you even make significant progress. The first thing that you can do for yourself to begin gaining more confidence is to start thinking kinder thoughts. There is a phrase that says that we are each our own worst critic, and most of the time that is very true. When you find yourself overwhelmed by the perception you have of yourself as being not good enough or failure, then you have already sabotaged yourself before you begin working on anything. Instead, start to keep track of the negative things that you say to yourself. Once you have a good idea of just what a big bully you are, begin interrupting those negative thoughts with positive affirmat

How to Move Forward After a Setback

 There are few things more challenging than being able to pick yourself up after a setback. This is especially true if you lack confidence, and are easily shaken by running into challenges. If you don't believe in yourself, the process of working toward a goal can be excruciating. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can start to motivate yourself when you have faced an unforeseen obstacle so that you can begin to move forward no matter what the setback may have been. The first thing you need to do, whether you consider yourself the sensitive type or not, is to express the feelings that occur when you realize that you may have done something wrong or face the challenge that you were not able to overcome very easily. It is natural to feel miserable after an experience like that, no matter how confident you may be. You should express your feelings and frustrations, and consider your fears about the situation so that you are not surprised in the future and you do not bottle up yo

Training Your Brain to Battle Your Negativity Bias

The negativity bias can happen to anybody. In fact, most of humanity is predisposed to favoring negative sensory input and memories over the positive. This can often hardwire us for issues like depression and a lack of motivation. When we begin to believe that more negative things happen to us than positive things, whether that is true or not, it can be extremely discouraging. We start to feel like the entire world is against us, and no matter how hard we try, the cards will always be stacked out of our favor. However, when you actually think about it, the truth is that we undervalue positive experiences and tend to overvalue the negative ones. This can make it very difficult for us to move on and let go of negative events that happen to us. We find ourselves reeling from negative events for days and days, while positive events often become forgotten by the end of the day and we no longer find any value in them or their memory. In a way, the mind is a little bit of an ingrate like that

Mindset - Roderick Mason


Signs You are on the Path to Failure and What to Do About It

 Nobody wants to fail. Failure is one of the most humiliating experiences that a human can endure. Whether this is because of survival instincts or simple societal pressures, nobody wants to be seen as incompetent or incapable, especially when it comes to living up to their own expectations and following their dreams. Fortunately, there are many signs that you can take note of on your path to success that can be red flags for failure. If you heed these as cautionary symptoms that can be treated and worked on, then you will ultimately be able to overcome these issues and continue forward on your path to success. The first sign that you are on a path to failure is a refusal to take accountability for your actions or mistakes. A lot of us have a hard time admitting when we are wrong, but this can be a huge hindrance for success of any kind. If you don't admit that you are making mistakes, you will never have the right mindset to look at your mistakes objectively enough to correct them

Changing Your Definition of Failure

It is extremely difficult to discover that we fall short in any way, shape, or form. When we find that we don't measure up, it can be a real hit to our self confidence. When our self esteem suffers, it can cause issues further down the line with depression and other serious consequences. Without confidence, our personal relationships and view of ourselves suffers tremendously. Some might argue that it is society that puts too much pressure on us to succeed. We are given a tailor made definition for success from a young age. We envision success as having a lot of money and doing whatever it takes to be at the top. However, that vision of success is not often personally crafted and tailored to align with our passions. That can be dangerous, especially if you are a creative and spirited person who thrives with an abundance of self expression and innovation. It seems that the world is cruel to creative types, but this can be avoided in some capacity by changing your perspective. It is

Questions to Ask Yourself When Planning for Success

hen you want to plan to succeed, sometimes the most important thing to do is to really know yourself inside and out. In order to do so, there are some important key questions that you should ask yourself, not necessarily in order of appearance in this article. The answers will help you to pave the way to your success! 1. What am I passionate about? If you don't know what you are passionate about, then you need to stop right now and figure that out. If you spend your life working toward something that doesn't spark your passion, then you are going to have a hard time motivating yourself to succeed.  2. Where am I right now? Be honest with yourself when answering this question. Evaluate where you are in life and how close you feel to achieving your goal. Don't use it as a way to get down on yourself. Simply figure out where you are and how far you have to go before you are where you want to be. Consider the resources you have and what you need to acquire and then consider wha

Paving the Way Toward Success by Changing Your Lifestyle

The sad fact of the matter is that when you want to succeed, there are often a lot of changes that you need to make before that success is able to become a reality. Fortunately, there are many things that you can do, starting now, to prime yourself for success and begin to pave the way to a successful lifestyle! To get on the right path, you need to begin with the fundamentals. Without tending to the basics, you are ultimately going to be overwhelmed and consumed by the tremendous amount of work it takes to become successful at any given task. When we aren’t taking care of ourselves properly and providing ourselves with the tools we need to succeed, we are asking for trouble. Success is elusive enough without giving it more reasons to evade us! To begin with, when we aren’t taking care of ourselves fundamentally, we are not giving our bodies the physical resources that they need to succeed. Getting enough sleep at night, making sure to eat a nourishing breakfast, and exercising daily a