Testosterone and its Effect on Men 40 years and Over

Testosterone is the male sex hormone and plays the role of attributing all your manly characteristics. Most men are aware of the overview of what testosterone plays in their life but after the introduction of high level of hormonal production in your early teens through young adulthood in your body, how have you been compensating or facilitating your body with the natural decline of testosterone as you age (Harvard Health 2022)? This article will firstly serve as an overview to some of the expectations you can have with the declining testosterone production. Your testes produce less testosterone each year as you continue to age, the decline rate is gradual at (1-2)% each year (Harvard Health 2022). The physiological response of your bodies’ natural signalling to produce testosterone is reduced so the science suggest that this is normal but there are many ways you can self-check right now to determine if your rate of decline in your 40’s is noticeably rapid prior to seeking clinic...