
Showing posts from November, 2022

Fitness Isn't Just About Muscle

  Many people think that in order to be fit, you need to have big muscles. This isn't the case though!     There are many different ways to be fit, and it's not just about how much muscle you have.    In fact, having too much muscle can actually be a hindrance when it comes to fitness.    So don't worry if you're not "bulky" – there are plenty of other ways to be fit and healthy!   In this article, we'll discuss why fitness isn't just about having a bodybuilder-like physique, so if this sounds interesting to you, read on! Fitness By Definition As we just said, when we think of fitness, we often imagine bulging muscles, toned abs, and sculpted thighs.    This can make the concept of fitness seem daunting and unattainable for many people.    However, according to the definition of fitness, which refers simply to being in good physical condition, anyone has the potential to be fit.    So what are the other benefits of training, if not for the aesthetics?

Inside The Mind Of Successful People

  First of all, let’s define success: The immediate media-driven narrative is of a beautiful woman or handsome man driving a luxurious car and adorned with expensive clothes.   Well, that’s not  really  success.   If anything, those kinds of people are either wealthy from inheritance or are just plain boring and vapid.   Success is the writer who finally got his or her book published, the father or mother who makes enough money to afford their family everything they want  and  spend time with them.   Success isn’t cash or fame, diamonds, and Ferraris. Success is achieving your dreams, however big or small they are. The Habits   And success… starts with habits. Habits take around three weeks to form. That’s what the recent research tells us and can last for an entire lifetime.   That is why just like breathing, something simple can mean the difference between success and failure in the long run. #1 Time Management Probably  the  most important one right out of the bat is proper time man

4 Signs You Need To Change Your Mindset

  No matter how disciplined, no matter how lucky or motivated you may be, your mindset is going to be the main focusing lens on the road to your journey.   So come along for the ride, and let’s observe a few common situations which may necessitate a change in your views.   #1 You’re Procrastinating It’s as common as it is hard to defeat.   Procrastination can be the single biggest killer of ideas and projects anyone can ever know.   This is why it is important to have the right mindset, specific to you, which can help you to deal with distractions.   One way you can improve your perspective, for example, is by allowing yourself small breaks in between work.   These not only stop your curious brain from thinking “ooh, but I wonder if anyone commented and liked my posts,” but it is also generally very healthy to rest your eyes from a computer screen.   Another critical point is that the last thing you should do is beat yourself up about succumbing to procrastination once in a while.   It

Your Inner Critic And How To Use It

  Are you plagued by self-doubt? Do you second-guess every decision, big or small?     If so, you're not alone. We all have an inner critic, that little voice inside our heads that is quick to point out our flaws and tell us we're not good enough.    But don't worry - the good news is your inner critic can become your best friend.    That's right - if you learn to use it correctly, your inner critic can help you achieve your goals and reach your full potential.    In this article, we're going to explore how to do just that.    So if you're ready to tame your inner critic once and for all, read on! Why Do We Self-Criticize? As human beings, we have a tendency to be our own worst critics.    Whether we are self-conscious about our performance at work or feel frustrated with our shortcomings in other areas of life, we often find ourselves harshly criticizing our own actions and behaviors.    There are a number of reasons why this phenomenon occurs, but perhaps the


  The term “self-care” is often associated with women. And while it’s true that women face unique challenges when it comes to taking care of themselves, men are not exempt from the need for self-care. In fact, men often face different but equally difficult challenges when it comes to taking care of themselves. From work to family life and everything in between, men are expected to be strong and stoic. But this can take a toll on their mental and physical health. That’s why it’s so important for men to practice holistic self-care. In this blog post, we will explore what holistic self-care is and how men can incorporate it into their lives. This will also dispel some common myths about self-care being selfish or feminine. Read on to learn more about how you can start taking better care of yourself today. WHAT IS HOLISTIC SELF CARE Self-care is often associated with women, but it is just as important for men. Holistic self-care encompasses the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of we

How Bad Is Junk Food For You?

  Is junk food actually really that bad for you? You've heard all the warnings before, but is it really worth depriving yourself of all your favorite treats?     In this blog post, we'll take a look at junk food and answer an important question - should you exclude it altogether?    Spoiler alert: it's not actually as bad as you might think!  What Is Junk Food? At its most basic level, junk food can be defined as any food that is highly processed and lacking in essential nutrients.    It is typically high in sugar, transfats, or salt and often contains a multitude of added preservatives and chemicals to enhance its taste and shelf life.    Given these characteristics, it is not surprising that many people consider junk food to be harmful to our health.    Studies have shown that diets high in junk food are closely linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other serious conditions.    Additionally, the chemicals found in junk food supposedly have bad effects on our hea