
Showing posts from February, 2023

Mobility VS Flexibility - What To Focus On?

  Most people think of mobility and flexibility as one and the same. But, in reality, they are two different things - with different goals.     So, which should you focus on if you want to get the most out of your physical capabilities?    Here's a look at the key differences between mobility and flexibility - and what you need to know to choose the right one for you. What Is Flexibility? When most people think of flexibility, they think of being able to do the splits or Touch their toes.    But what exactly is flexibility by definition?   Well, flexibility is the ability of a muscle, tendons, and ligaments to lengthen passively, without being fixed to a specific movement.   Flexibility can generally be improved by stretching exercises.   Most people are familiar with the idea of stretching, but there are actually many different types of stretches that can be used to improve flexibility.    Static stretching is the most common type of stretching, and it involves holding a position

Beginner Training: An Introduction

  You've probably seen those crazy Crossfit people on social media, straining and sweating through impossible workouts.     You might have even thought to yourself, "How do they do that? I could never do something like that. Is that what I really need to be in shape? Impossible!"   But you don't have to be a Crossfit enthusiast to reap the benefits of strength training.    In fact, beginner training is a simple and effective way to start improving your health and fitness levels.    This guide will introduce you to the basics of beginner training so that you can start getting in shape today.   And so, are you ready to learn? Let's get started! Setting Realistic Goals You've just joined a gym, or maybe you're thinking about joining one. You're new to this whole working out thing, and you want to set some goals.    But where do you start?    Well, it's important to set realistic goals as a beginner trainee, and the goals should be oriented towards bui

Improving Your Emotional Intelligence

  Are your emotions running the show instead of you?     If so, it might be time to take some steps toward improving your emotional intelligence.    While this won't guarantee a seat in an Ivy League sorority or help you land that dream job, understanding and managing your emotions is crucial to leading a happy and healthy life.    And what's even better is that building this skill will also improve your interpersonal relationships.   So, what are you waiting for?    Join us as we discuss various strategies for getting a handle on those feelings and unlocking the power of emotional intelligence! What Is Emotional Intelligence Let’s begin with the basics - understanding the concept behind emotional intelligence.   Emotional intelligence is the ability to comprehend and recognize emotions in oneself and others and then use this knowledge to inform decision-making better.    It is essential for many areas of life, from work to personal relationships.   An emotionally intelligent p

Are Protein Shakes Good For You?

  Protein shakes have become increasingly popular in recent years as a convenient and easy way to supplement protein intake, particularly for people who are looking to build muscle, lose weight, or recover from workouts.     However, there is a lot of debate and conflicting information about whether protein shakes are truly good for you.    Some argue that they are an essential part of a healthy diet, while others claim that they are unnecessary or even harmful.    In this article, we will take a look at the pros and cons of protein shakes and give you our take on whether or not they are truly good for you.   It's important to note that the article will aim to provide a balanced and impartial view on the topic, so the reader can make an informed decision.    The article will take into account the different sources of protein, the recommended daily intake of protein, and the benefits and risks associated with consuming protein shakes. Protein Basics Protein is an essential macronutr

5 Tips To Fall Asleep Faster

Do you struggle to fall asleep at night? Feeling restless, frustrated, and exhausted?    Yeeeah... It's quite common nowadays.   Millions of people each year find themselves in the same boat.    Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to help yourself drift off to dreamland faster.    And in this article, we'll discuss just that! But first, let's briefly explain why sleep is the fundamental pillar of fitness, health, and wellbeing. Why Is Sleep Important? The benefits of sleep are far-reaching and well-documented.    Getting a good night's sleep can improve everything from your mood to your heart health.    In fact, sleep is just as important for physical fitness as diet and exercise.    When you're tired, your body struggles to perform at its best. You may feel sluggish and have trouble concentrating.    Your reaction time slows, and your coordination suffers. You're also more likely to make mistakes, which can be dangerous if you're playing a sport o

Confirmation Bias: Why Is It Dangerous?

  Do you constantly strive to reach your targets and accomplish whatever it is that you have set out to do?     If so, then congratulations on taking the first step toward success!    However, one potential roadblock may appear along the way to achieving your goals: confirmation bias.    It has become common knowledge today that confirmation biases can be dangerous for us, but why exactly is this the case?    In this article, we will take a closer look at what confirmation bias actually is and how it affects our decision-making.    Stick around as we explore some practical ways how to identify when our biases are hindering us in pursuit of an amazing future! What Is Confirmation Bias? Confirmation bias has been a concept researchers discuss for centuries, and yet many are unaware of its exact definition.    Put simply, confirmation bias is the irrational tendency for people to search for, or interpret, evidence that incorporates their previously held beliefs.    We've all experienc