
Showing posts from December, 2020

Why 92% of our New Year Resolutions Fail... by February.

  My New Year Resolution? To follow through with my New Year’s resolution. It’s that time of year again. The Christmas holidays are drawing to a close, and 2021 is just around the corner. Many of us will be using this in-between period to reflect on the past year, and set goals for the next one. Some will be looking to lose weight by exercising regularly and eating healthily. Others want to be more organised, spend less money, or quit smoking. They’re all great ideas, and everyone has big plans to transform their lives, but the harsh reality is that most people will be unsuccessful. According to  ​ these stats ​ , 92% of people who set New Year’s resolutions failed to achieve them... 78% of them by February. Ninety two percent! That’s a pretty big portion of people. But why is that? The reason is simple: Too little commitment for too intangible goals. We see the summit but we don’t see the hike. And then give up. A core part of the “Bucketlistology” (the coaching principles behind the

Families who Bucket List together - stay together!

  With work, school, homework, after school activities, friends and more, there are countless activities that compete for time on the family calendar. Family time, however, can serve as an escape from the demands and deadlines of daily life, and is paramount in building strong relationships. One of the most important benefits of spending time together is also one of the simplest: creating memories that will last a lifetime. Whether it's playing a game together, attending an event, going on vacation or just sitting in the living room or around the table talking and laughing, positive memories are beloved possessions that give family members a sense of belonging and can help reinforce the importance of family. Family time offers many benefits, including building confidence, creating a stronger emotional bond between family members, improving communication skills, better performance in school and reduced behavioral issues, as well as providing an opportunity to make memories built on
It's hard to adjust to a world seemingly spinning out of control. Getting ahead in the "old" economy is getting harder and harder. There are limited resources for men who want to challenge the status quo, who want to break out from the "shoulda" that rule them, who are confused any more about what it means to "be a man." While the physiology of male menopause is a measurable fact, I think something else is going on here. After the initial years struggling to achieve their career aspirations and role as provider, men would do well in recognizing this shift as a desire for greater fulfillment beyond work. Women have fulfilled their role as child bearer and mother. We have no qualms in stating our needs once the kids are off pursuing independent lives. Rat Race Running You Ragged? Most men are probably wondering, "Where the hell do I fit in anymore?" Some men confuse wanting off the rat race roller coaster as the start of a midlife crisis. But a

Questions Every Man Needs To Ask Himself

  If you are a man over 40, you should have definitely already asked yourself some of these questions. Even men over 30 should be asking themselves these questions. Somehow we as a society have arrived at a point where men seem to be more unsure of themselves, their roles as husbands, fathers, providers. What legacy are you leaving? Ask yourself these questions. What, And Who, Deserves My Attention? What is the greatest benefit that I can provide to those in my immediate circle? How do I grow that circle? What Story Is Holding Me Back? How Satisfied Am I With My Life? When was the last time that I did something for the first time? How can I best connect my potential and skill-set with my purpose (mission)? Today? Tomorrow? This year? What Do I Want? How can I show my wife I appreciate and love her today? What are my priorities? Are they benefiting me and my relationships? My quality of life? Who Inspires Me? Am I creating financial freedom for myself and those around me? What Does Bei

Couples who Bucket List together, stay together!

  Bucket List Couple Workshop Life is all about the people we meet and the experiences we create with them - and who could make these experiences more meaningful than our ‘partner in crime for life’, right? Sounds good in theory but then life happens: When you've been together for a while, especially if you live together, it can get easy to be thoughtless about how you spend your time and just sit around and talk or watch TV. But if you want to avoid getting bored with your relationship or drifting apart after the honeymoon phase is over, it's important to keep planning dates and couples' nights that provide actual quality time. The biggest mistake that couples make is to take their bond for granted by assuming that their connection will stay strong because they love each other. Love is not enough. Whether we're talking about romantic love or the love you have for your dreams, love is critical, but it's not sufficient. R elationships as well as your personal life g