Why 92% of our New Year Resolutions Fail... by February.

My New Year Resolution? To follow through with my New Year’s resolution. It’s that time of year again. The Christmas holidays are drawing to a close, and 2021 is just around the corner. Many of us will be using this in-between period to reflect on the past year, and set goals for the next one. Some will be looking to lose weight by exercising regularly and eating healthily. Others want to be more organised, spend less money, or quit smoking. They’re all great ideas, and everyone has big plans to transform their lives, but the harsh reality is that most people will be unsuccessful. According to these stats , 92% of people who set New Year’s resolutions failed to achieve them... 78% of them by February. Ninety two percent! That’s a pretty big portion of people. But why is that? The reason is simple: Too little commitment for too intangible goals. We see the summit but we don’t see the hike. And then give up. A core part of the “Bucketlistology” (the coaching principles be...