Couples who Bucket List together, stay together!

 Bucket List Couple Workshop

Life is all about the people we meet and the experiences we create with them - and who could make these experiences more meaningful than our ‘partner in crime for life’, right?

Sounds good in theory but then life happens: When you've been together for a while, especially if you live together, it can get easy to be thoughtless about how you spend your time and just sit around and talk or watch TV. But if you want to avoid getting bored with your relationship or drifting apart after the honeymoon phase is over, it's important to keep planning dates and couples' nights that provide actual quality time.

The biggest mistake that couples make is to take their bond for granted by assuming that their connection will stay strong because they love each other. Love is not enough.

Whether we're talking about romantic love or the love you have for your dreams, love is critical, but it's not sufficient. R elationships as well as your personal life goals require constant work and they cannot be put ‘on hold’ just because work, life and day-to-day pressures come into your way. In fact the opposite is the case, a healthy and intimate relationship is the foundation to create a positive ripple effect into every area of your life. Once you feel more fulfilled from the inside through a relationship that fuels you, you have the emotional and cognitive resources to focus into your work.

Creating a Bucket List together with your ‘partner in crime’ is therefore a meaningful way to step out of your routine, dream together and celebrate personal success & growth together.

Here are my Top 10 reasons how a Couple Bucket List can boost your relationship:

  1. Creating unique & long lasting memories together boosts intimacy
  2. Couples who work on their goals together feel more happy and satisfied in their
  3. relationship
  4. Building positivity in relationships makes you feel happier
  5. Learning and experiencing new things together helps you grow - personally and
  6. romantically
  7. Endorphins being released when you tick your dreams off together that can help you feel
  8. more positively toward each other
  9. Thrilling adventures release adrenaline that helps creating a stronger bond
  10. Getting your heart rate up together can increase excitement
  11. Create a sense of adventure and excitement in your relationship by visiting new places
  12. together
  13. Creating the stories you will tell your grandchildren one day

Long story short: Adopting these strategies builds a bonding immunization for couples.

And now, what?

Join my Couple Bucket List (online) workshop, spice up your relationship and start creating the memories that make you stick together. Based on the holistic 12 steps M.Y.B.U.C.K.E.T.L.I.S.T. Blueprint we will create your personally meaningful Couple Bucket List together to (re)ignite that spark and create the glue that will bond you until you ‘kick the bucket’. Every letter stands for one specific category and together they form a holistic Couple Bucket List for life.

Message to Sign up & get ready to #tickitB4Ukickit


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